Wednesday 24 July 2013

Baking's Taitai's Signature Dark Chocolate Banana Cake

Chocolate and Bananas compliment each other very well. This is my very first dark chocolate banana cake which I made and it's for 2013 Valentine's Day. The other half who seldom gives praises actually said. "This cake has got Standard!" You should have seen the big grin on my face! :p

The following are orders of this cake which I have done for my friends. Want to thank them for being so supportive of my baking interest and entrusted me to bake the cakes for their special occasions. :)

* Sorry that I am unable to share this recipe as it is a secret recipe from a very dear friend.



This one was made specially for my friend Ginny whose boy turned 9 years old. I wanted something different other than the usual strawberries as decoration., so I handmade these white chocolates to decorate the cake and was pleased with it.


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