Thursday, 8 February 2018

A Visit to Cross-Country baking ingredient shop in Taiwan 台湾全国食材广场

In my two earlier blog posts, I've shared about these two renown bakeries which I highly recommend you should include in your itinerary if you are planning a holiday in Taiwan. Click on the images or text if you have not read about it. 

Click HERE to read about 'Wu Pao Chun Bakery 吴宝春麥方店 in Taipei' 

Click HERE to read about 'Dora Bakery多拉烘焙小舖 in Taoyuan'

In this post, I would like to share about this huge baking ingredient and baking tool supplier warehouse in Taoyuan. This place is a baker's haven as you can find all sorts of baking/cooking ingredients as well as baking tools, moulds, packaging etc. There is so much to see and buy that you can spend one whole day here! :) 


One of my favourite Taiwanese brand - SAN NENG 

All natural premium Strawberry bits 

Various Purple Sweet Potato Powder 

This is my favourite 100% pure natural premium Strawberry powder which I use it to make Strawberry Ice-cream and the taste is exactly like Hagaan Dazs! Click HERE for the recipe. 

Premium Red Dragon Fruit Powder and 100% pure Raspberry Powder

I love using all these natural fruit powder for baking and cooking and how I wish it's available in our sunny island! :p

Cross-Country Taiwan Baking Ingredient Company
📍Address: No.85 Dayou Road, Taoyuan District, Taoyuan City,Taiwan 330
🕰 09:00-21:30

Follow me on Baking Taitai's Instagram for more active updates! 

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