Friday, 30 August 2013

Matcha Nutella Zebra Cake by Airfryer

I bought my Philips Airfyer two years ago when it was newly launched. I was intrigued by this new revolution in home cooking which enables one to fry food up to 80% less fat than a conventional fryer due to it's patented Rapid Air technology.
You can read about it here if you are interested to get one. In fact, it is a good time to buy now as the price has dropped tremendously to about SIN $200 plus compared to what I paid for at SIN$400 plus two years back.  Or you may wish to wait for the new Philips Advance Airfryer which has yet to be launched in Singapore but available in Europe currently. This advance airfyer offers 50 percent more capacity, cooks food even faster than its previous model and has digital touch screen controls. Read here for more details.

Last week, I decided to use the airfyer to bake a cake since I have not done it for quite awhile. I use a 6 inch round baking pan which can fit into the fryer basket. Actually, this fryer has an optional buy of a baking pan but I personally think that it is not necessary to get one as you can use any bakeware which fits into the fryer basket.

I decided to do a Matcha and Nutella cake since I am doing a series of Matcha bakes lately and I also have a bottle of Nutella which will be expiring soon. I have chosen a butter cake recipe and modified it accordingly. The cake turns out to be exceptionally nice as I have used the ECHIRE Doux (unsalted) French butter as one of the main ingredients. My friend Emily introduced this to me by giving me a block to try out and she told me this is the nicest butter to use for baking especially butter cakes. Indeed it is!!! This French butter is considered 'atas' (a Singlish word meaning high class) as it costs more than SIN$10 for a mere 250g block, about three times more than normal butter! You can only find it in the local gourmet food shops and I have found an online shop selling it here. I definitely swear by this premium brand when making butter cake now. You really got to try it to believe what a great difference this butter can make in baking!

The zebra prints on the cake was not so well defined as I did it in a rush so that I would not run late in picking up my son from kindergarten. Nonetheless, the kids and I enjoyed it for our afternoon teatime and each of us consumed a quarter of the cake (no kidding!) and left one last quarter for the other half to try. The fragrance of this butter cake lingers long in the mouth and you will yearn for more, believe me! ;p

Airfryer Matcha Nutella Zebra Cake


115g unsalted butter (I used Echire Doux French butter)

2 eggs

100g castor sugar

100g self raising flour, sifted

30ml fresh milk

2 tsp premium matcha powder

100g Nutella + 2 tbsp fresh milk (I added fresh milk as the nutella was a little hard to mix with the batter.)


1) Preheat airfryer at 160 degrees celcius. Grease a 6" baking pan and line the base and sides with baking paper.
2) Use an electric mixer and beat the unsalted butter and castor sugar till fluffy.

3) Add the eggs one at a time, followed by fresh milk. Beat till well combined.

4) Add the sifted flour and mix till incorporated.

5) Scoop half of the batter out and set aside.

6) Add the matcha powder to half of the batter and mix well.

7) Add the nutella to the other half of the batter and mix well too. (If you find the batter too thick, you can add a little more milk to it.)

8) Scoop one tablespoon of the matcha batter into the centre of the baking pan, then add another tablespoon of nutella batter onto the centre of the matcha in the baking pan. Continue scooping by alternating both batters until you have finished them. After every scoop of batter into the tin, gently bang the tin on the work surface to let the batter spread out.

9) Place the baking pan in the airfryer and bake at 160deg for 30 minutes or until a skewer comes out clean.

**For those without an airfryer, you can use this recipe and bake it in a conventional oven.  

"It takes time and effort to compose or translate recipes, I would appreciate it if you do not copy and pass it off as your own recipe. If you wish to share or adapt any of the recipes that I have posted in this blog, please provide a link back to the relevant post. Thank you. "

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