Friday, 21 July 2017

Vanilla Hanjuku Cheesecake 香草半熟芝士蛋糕 (中英加图对照食谱)

Time flies, my blog will be celebrating its 4th anniversary this Sunday! I have baked this Vanilla Hanjuku Cheesecake to celebrate and it's a great choice as this cake is really yummy! 


I first tried this light and velvety textured cheesecake when my dear aunt bought it from the Lavender Bakery in Malaysia, Johor Bahru. My kids and I love it much so my aunt always buys for us when she makes a trip to JB. It comes in a box of 6 mini cheesecake and cost about SIN$7+. 


I have added pure vanilla paste (you can also use seeds from the vanilla bean pod) to the recipe below and you can see little specks of vanilla seeds which added great fragrance to the cake! My kids and neighbors after tasting my bake commented that it tastes nicer than the one sold at the bakery as it is more fragrant! :) 


For this recipe, I have used the Pushpan 12-cup muffin pan with removable bases which are leak proof and watertight and great for bakes using water bath or steam bake method. 

. Click 'HERE' to get from Kitchenary. 

Key in this discount code BTTPP0716 (no expiry date) exclusively for Baking Taitai's readers and followers to enjoy 15% off every item (Pushpan, Tovolo, Staybowlizer, SiliconeZone Hello Kitty Collection) on

Disclaimer: Baking Taitai does NOT get any sales commission from any of your purchases at KitchenarySg.

This is a really nice, creamy and velvety Japanese cheesecake which I encourage all of you to try it out. You will surely fall in love with it after your first taste! 

Like to take this opportunity to thank my dear friends and blog readers for your continuous support & encouragement in my baking journey.

Vanilla Hanjuku Cheesecake 
Recipe adapted from here

“It takes much time and effort to compose and translate recipes, I would appreciate it if you DO NOT copy and pass it off as your own as I have painstakingly prepared each blog recipe. If you wish to share or adapt any of the recipes that I have posted in this blog, please give credit and provide a link back to the relevant post here. ”

Ingredients 食材 (makes one 9" round or 2 x 6" round cake 可做1个9寸或2个6寸圆形蛋糕) 
500g cream cheese, room temperature 奶油奶酪,室温软化
135g Greek-style yogurt 希腊式优格
65g unsalted butter, room temperature 无盐奶油室温软化
50g milk 鲜奶

5 egg yolks 蛋黄
35g corn starch 粟米粉
1/2 tsp salt 盐
1 tbsp Madagascar pure vanilla paste 纯香草糊

5 egg white 蛋白
125g caster sugar 细砂糖

Note: Different brand of ingredients have different composites, thus there may be a slight difference in the end result.

Preparation 准备:
1. Weigh out all ingredients. 
1. 称量食材。

2. Preheat the oven top and bottom heat 160 degrees Celcius. 
2. 烤箱预热上下火160摄氏度。 

Two methods are shown below: Bain Marie and Thermomix Method
以下有两种作法: 炖煮法和美善品煮法。

1)Bain Marie Method 炖煮法 :
1. Cook ingredients A using bain marie method over the stove until smooth and creamy. 
1. 食材A用炖煮的方法搅拌至顺滑状态。

2. Remove from stove, add in ingredients B and mix till well combined. Sift the mixture if necessary to remove lumps. 
2. 锅离火,倒入食材B, 搅拌至均匀。可过滤面糊以去除团块。

3. Beat ingredients C using an electric mixer until soft peak, adding in sugar gradually while beating.
3. 食材C 用电动打蛋器打至湿性发泡状态,糖徐徐加入。

4. Fold the meringue into the egg yolk batter in 3 additions. 
4. 蛋白霜分三次加入蛋黄糊里,每次轻轻搅拌均匀后再加入。

5. Pour the mixture into cake pan and bake using the water bath or steam bath method. Lower oven temperature to 140 degrees Celsius and bake for about 60 minutes. (Please adjust temperature and timing according to your own oven.
5. 面糊倒入烤模,用水浴法或蒸汽烘烤法,温度调低到140摄氏度,烘烤大约60分钟。(自家烤炉自己拿捏好温度与烘焙时间。)

6. Cake can be eaten warm or chilled for an even better taste. 
6. 蛋糕稍微待凉后可享用或放入冰箱冷却后食用更佳!

2)Thermomix Method 美善品法: 
1. Insert butterfly whisk, beat egg white in a dry and clean TM bowl at 2 mins, Speed: 3.5 until soft peak,gradually adding in sugar in between. When done, transfer to a mixing bowl, set aside. (Do not let the meringue sit around for more than 5 mins!) 

1. 全干的主锅放入蝴蝶棒,倒入蛋白以2分/速度3.5打至湿性发泡,中间徐徐倒入糖。蛋白霜打好后,转移到另一个碗。(蛋白霜不可放置超过5分钟!)

2. Put ingredients A into TM bowl. (no need to wash bowl after beating meringue) Melt and mix at 3.5 mins/60°C/Speed 3. 

2. 食材A放入主锅 (不洗锅),以3.5分/ 60度/速度3拌匀。

3. Add in ingredients B. Mix 15 secs/Speed 3 until well combined. Sift mixture if necessary to remove lumps.

3. 加入食材B以15秒,速度3拌匀。可过滤面糊以去除团块。

4. Fold the meringue into the egg yolk batter in 3 additions. 

4. 蛋白霜分三次加入蛋黄糊里,每次轻轻搅拌均匀后再加入。

5. Pour the mixture into the greased cake pan and bake using the water bath or steam bath method. Lower oven temperature to 140 degrees Celsius and bake for about 60 minutes. (Please adjust temperature and timing according to your own oven. For my oven, 140°C for 30 mins, then 130°C for 20 mins)

5. 面糊倒入抹了油的烤模,用水浴法或蒸汽烘烤法,温度调低到140摄氏度,烘烤大约60分钟。(自家烤炉自己拿捏好温度与烘焙时间。我家的烤箱140°C烘30分钟后,降低130°C烘20 mins完成。


6. Cake can be eaten warm or chilled for an even better taste. (It is normal for the cake to shrink a little after cooling down.)

6. 蛋糕稍微待凉后可享用或放入冰箱冷却后食用更佳!(蛋糕冷却后会微缩是正常的。)

Baking Taitai's 4th Blog Anniversary Instagram GiveAway
(starts on 13 July 2017 and ends on 22 July 2017 11 pm) 

My blog will be celebrating its 4th Anniversary on 23 July 2017 and I am holding a Giveaway right now at Baking Taitai's Instagram. There will be 4 winners who will win themselves a $50 KitchenarySg voucher which they can use to redeem items from Hello Kitty SiliconeZone, Pushpan, Staybowlizer and Tovolo collections in Kitchenary online store. 

Please click "HERE" to access Baking Taitai's Instagram and look for the GIVEAWAY post dated 13 July 2017. Follow the instructions to join the GIVEAWAY and hope you are 1 of the 4 blessed ones to win. :) 

If you are interested in this amazing 12 appliances in 1 machine, you may contact my Thermomix consultant, Phyllis at (65) 93889470 to enquire more about it.

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