Sharing my family's all time favourite non-bake cheesecake! It's so delicious and refreshing! Method below is using Thermomix TM5. For other electric mixers, please click "HERE" for the step-by-step pictorial recipes.
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Healthy Mango Cheesecake
健康芒果芝士蛋糕“It takes much time and effort to compose and translate recipes, I would appreciate it if you DO NOT copy and pass it off as your own as I have painstakingly prepared each blog recipe. If you wish to share or adapt any of the recipes that I have posted in this blog, please give credit and provide a link back to the relevant post here. ”
Photo updated on 24 August 2018. This recipe is featured in the “Gourmet Living - 食尚品味” bilingual magazine Aug/Sep 2018 issue. |
Ingredients 食材:
Crust 饼底:150g biscuits 饼, finely crushed 压碎 (Digestive, Graham, Oreo, Biscoff)
60g unsalted butter, melted 无盐奶油,融化
Filling 馅料:
100ml water 水
15g gelatin powder 明胶粉
250g Philadelphia cream cheese, softened & cut in cubes 奶油奶酪,室温下软化切丁
60g caster sugar 细砂糖
200g greek style yogurt 希腊式优格
200g diced mangoes 芒果丁(for mixing in step 5 加入步骤5)
200g diced mangoes 芒果丁(for mixing in step 8 加入步骤8)
Mango Glaze 芒果果冻:
400g diced mangoes 芒果丁
15g caster sugar 细砂糖
3 tsp gelatin powder 明胶粉
50ml water 水
Note: Different brand of ingredients have different composites, thus there may be a slight difference in the end result.
Method 方法:
1. Measure water into a small bowl and sprinkle in the gelatin powder (without stirring). Set aside 10 minutes to allow the gelatin grains to bloom before setting the bowl over a pot of simmering water. (I put it directly over an induction hob using ultra-low heat) Stir with a spoon till gelatin melts, set aside to cool.
1. 在一个小碗中,倒入水,撒上胶粉(不要搅拌),静置10分钟,隔水加温,(我直接放在电磁炉上,用最低热度)
2. Place biscuits in TM bowl to crush 10 secs/ speed 6.
2. 饼干放入主锅,选择10秒,速度6,搅拌碎。
3. Add softened butter, mix 8 secs/speed 6.
3. 加入软化奶油,搅拌8秒,速度6。
4. With the back of a spoon, press the biscuit crumbs firmly onto the base of an 8" removable round pan. Chill in the freezer compartment for half an hour.
4. 饼干碎均匀压在8寸的蛋糕模底,用力压紧后,放入冰箱冷藏30分钟冰硬。
I'm using an 8" non-stick heavy gauge PushPan. You can get this cake pan at Key in this discount code BTTPP0716 (no expiry date) exclusively for Baking Taitai's readers and followers to enjoy 15% off every item (Pushpan, Tovolo, Staybowlizer, SiliconeZone Hello Kitty Collection) on Disclaimer: Baking Taitai does NOT get any sales commission from any of your purchases at KitchenarySg. |
5. Place cube mangoes in clean TM bowl together with cream cheese and sugar. Mix 20 secs/speed 6, stop to scrap down sides. Continue mixing 10 secs/ speed 6 until smooth.
5. 芒果丁,奶油奶酪与细砂糖放入洗净的主锅,搅拌20秒,速度6。用刮刀把边缘不均匀的奶酪刮下来,继续搅拌10秒,速度6 直到滑顺。
6. Add in yogurt, mix 10 secs/ speed 3 until well combined.
6. 加入优格,选择10秒,速度3,搅拌均匀。
6. 加入优格,选择10秒,速度3,搅拌均匀。
7. Add in the gelatin solution, mix 20 secs/speed 3 until fully incorporated.
7. 加入明胶液,选择20秒,速度3 混合。
8. Add in the remaining diced mangoes, mix together with a spatula.
8. 加入剩余的芒果丁,用刮刀稍微搅拌。
9. Pour the mixture into the chilled crust. Smooth the surface with the spatula and tap the pan lightly on the table top. Chill in the freezer compartment for 1/2 hour.
9. 芒果奶酪糊倒入饼模里,用刮刀抹平表面,轻轻在桌台上敲几下,放入冰箱冷冻半小时。
Methods for making mango glaze 制作芒果果冻:
10. Place diced mangoes in clean TM bowl, puree for 10 secs/speed 5.
10. 芒果丁放入洗净的主锅,选择10秒,速度5 搅打成泥状。
11. Add in sugar, gelatin powder and water, heat 5 mins /80°C/speed 3.
11. 加入细砂糖,明胶粉与水,选择 5分钟,80摄氏度,速度3 加热。
12. Allow mixture to cool for 15 mins then pour it over the slightly set cheesecake. Chill it further in the refridgerator for 4 hours.
12. 果冻液放凉15分钟,再倒在微凝固的奶酪馅上。放入冰箱冷藏4小时至凝固即可。
13. Remove from mould after cake is set. Decorate as desired.
13. 蛋糕凝固后,脱模。随意装饰。
So yummy!
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If you are interested in this amazing 12 appliances in 1 machine, you may contact my Thermomix consultant, Phyllis at (65) 93889470 to enquire more about it. |
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