Friday, 15 January 2016

Healthy Wholemeal Cranberry Almond Cookies 健康全麦蔓越梅杏仁酥 (中英加图对照食谱)

The Lunar/Chinese New Year (CNY) is less than a month away. Have you started making CNY goodies? Most traditional Lunar New Year goodies are packed with sugar and fat, with little nutritional value at all. Thus, I am determined to come up with a healthier cookie recipe this year. I have tweaked and modified greatly an almond cookies recipe found on 孟老师's cookie recipe book. 


Almond is a healthy ingredient and it is used in ground/powder form in the recipe. 


Source from Internet 

I have added super fine textured wholemeal flour (so happy that Blue Jacket wholemeal flour is finally sold in Singapore!),  reduced the sugar amount and used healthier cooking oil instead of butter! 

我也加入了超细质感的全麦面粉 (水手牌健康全粒粉在新加坡也买得到了!),降低糖份,还用食油来代替奶油!

experimented twice on this Healthy Wholemeal Cranberry Almond Cookies. First time using sunflower oil and the second time using extra virgin coconut oil. I love using coconut oil in my bake as it is very healthy. Just look at it's benefits! 


Source from Internet

My hubby and I prefers the latter baked with coconut oil as it has a stronger coconut taste and more fragrant, tastes a little like kueh bangkit. (traditional nonya coconut flavoured cookies) My kids prefer the former as it tastes more almondy. You have the choice of using your favourite cooking oil to try out this recipe but do take note that different types of oil will result in a slightly different taste. Highly recommend you to give this a try, eat with less guilt this CNY! ;p 


Healthy Wholemeal Cranberry Almond Cookies

Ingredients:(makes about 50 pieces) ​

1​40g ​cake flour​ (I used Blue Jacket ​unbleached cake flour)
​35g super fine wholemeal flour (I used Blue Jacket whole wheat flour)
​60g super fine ground almond​ (I used superfine almond blanched powder bought from phoon huat) ​
​75g icing sugar
100​ml cooking oil* (1st try used sunflower oil, 2nd try use extra virgin coconut oil ) 

​75g dried cranberry (diced)

* You may use salad oil, corn oil, grape seed oil, etc. (using different type of oils will also vary in taste.)


140克 蛋糕粉/低筋面粉(我用水手牌超级蛋糕粉
35克 全麦面粉(我用水手牌健康全粒粉
60克 杏仁粉(我用超细杏仁粉)
75克 糖粉
100毫升 食油*(第一次用葵花籽油,第二次用特级初榨椰子油)
75克 蔓越莓干(切粒)

*可用沙拉油,粟米油,葡萄籽油等等 (使用不同的油,口味也有所差别。)

Method 方法:​

1. Sift the cake flour, wholemeal flour and icing sugar together. Then add in the blanched almond powder and diced dried cranberries. Stir and mix well.

1. 低筋面粉,全麦面粉和糖粉一起过筛。然后加入杏仁粉和切粒的蔓越莓干。搅拌均匀。

2. Add in oil gradually into the mixture, use a silicon spatula to mix and form a soft dough. (must use super fine wholemeal flour and ground almond in order to form a soft dough which is manageable, if you can't get super fine ones, then use a food processor to grind it very fine. ) 

2. 逐渐加入混合物,用硅胶刮刀混合,形成软面团。一定要用超细质感的全麦面粉和杏仁粉才能形成容易操作的软面团,如果买不到,自己用食品处理器搅细。)

3. Shape into small round balls of about 10 grams each, place on a baking tray laid with baking paper or mat.


4. Bake in a preheated oven at 150°C top/bottom heat fan forced for 15-20 minutes or until slightly brown. (my oven took 18 minutes) 

4. 放入预热烤箱以150℃上下火风扇烘烤15~20分钟或至表面上色。(我的烤箱烤18分钟)

5. Remove from oven, leave cookies on the baking tray for 5 minutes before transferring to a wiring rack. Cool completely before storing int​o airtight containers. Store in room temperature for 15~20 days, in fridge for 1~2 months and in freezer for 3~4 months.

​​5. 从烤箱取出,饼干在烤盘上放置5分钟再转移到凉网。完全冷却才放入密闭盒,室溫可保存约15~20天,冷藏约1~2个月,冷冻约3~4个月。

Click 'HERE' for more CNY goodies recipes:

Do give this recipe a try. If you like it, share the recipe using the social media buttons below. You may also like to subscribe to Baking Taitai's free newsletter so that you will never miss a new recipe post. You’ll get an e-mail in your inbox each time a new post is published. You can also find Baking Taitai on Pinterest FacebookInstagram and Youtube for the latest updates.

 The cooking temperature as suggested in all my recipes serve as a guideline. Every oven has different thermostat, you may have to adjust the temperature and timing to suit your oven. Different brand of ingredients have different composites, thus there may be a slight difference in the end result. 食谱里的烘烤温度和时间只是供参考,每一架烤炉的恒温器都不同,请自己调适。不同品牌的材料有不同的复合材料,所以最终成品有可能稍有不同。

“It takes much time and effort to compose and translate recipes, I would appreciate it if you DO NOT copy and pass it off as your own as I have painstakingly prepared each blog recipe. If you wish to share or adapt any of the recipes that I have posted in this blog, please give credit and provide a link back to the relevant post here. Thank you.”

© Copyright 2016


Anita said...

Hi, thank u for this recipe...I'm looking for long time gonna try it soon. Can I use all cake flour or all all purpose flour ? I don't like whole meal flour😬.? And also can I squeeze those in shape using the pipping bag? Or shape it in log cut into square pieces? Thank u again...

Baking Taitai said...

Hi Anita, yes you can experiment with all cake flour or all purpose flour, both will differ in texture compared to what I've experimented. Have not tried using piping bag or shape in log, thus I can't advise you. Depending on the overall dough texture, you can experiment yourself and see if it works.

Unknown said...


Baking Taitai said...


Curious said...

Where can I get the sieve that you are using? It looks very easy to use. Thanks.

Baking Taitai said...

Hi, I bought the Dr Oetker one-handed flour sifter from Tangs Orchard in Singapore. Yes it's very easy to use.

Anita said...

I just made these! They r so yummy... Like melt in the mouth. Why my cookie all cracked? I used 170f for 15 mins.. ( I did exactly the small round ball as u) cute n yummy

Baking Taitai said...

Glad you like it! Cracked could be due to inner oven temperature too high, you can put an oven thermometer inside to check.

JY said...

Can I replace oil with melted butter?

Creamtulip said...

Hi.I had tried the recipe with plain flour instead of Wholemeal flour and it turned out well. But now I run out of the Almond powder. Can I use those almond powder normally use for making almond jelly or 杏仁糊?
Thank you

Baking Taitai said...

Hi Creamtulip, I have not tried with those type of almond powder before but I personally would not use it as the powder has other chemicals added to it and is different from pure almond powder. If you don't mind, you can actually experiment with it and see if you like it.

Anita said...


irene said...

Hi, where did u get your coconut oil?

Baking Taitai said...

Hi Irene, I bought my organic extra virgin coconut oil from Yes Natural health shop in Singapore.