Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Nutella Banana Oat Muffins 榛子酱香蕉麦片马芬 (中英食谱教程)

Nutella & Banana are such a great combo in these delicious oaty muffins and it is so quick & easy to make! 


Nutella Banana Oat Muffins 
(English recipe adapted and modified from Chef In Training, 中文食谱由Baking Taitai翻译)


220g plain flour (I used Blue Jacket premium patent flour)
90g rolled oats
100g brown sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
½ teaspoon salt
1 egg
120g fresh milk
60ml corn oil
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
2 bananas, mashed (net weight 146g)


220克 普通面粉(我用水手牌优质粉心粉

90克 燕麦片
100克 黑
1茶匙 苏打粉
半茶匙 盐
1粒 鸡蛋
120克 鲜奶
60毫升 粟米油
1茶匙 纯香草精

Method 方法:

1. In a medium bowl, combine flour, oats, brown sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Stir until ingredients are well combined. (The Tovolo dough whisk is used throughout to prepare the muffin batter. You can read more about it here. )


2. In a large bowl, beat the egg. Add in the milk, oil, vanilla extract and mashed bananas. Stir to mix ingredients until well combined.


3. Add flour mixture to the banana mixture and stir until ingredients are incorporated, do no over stir.


4. Line a 12 muffin pan with muffin liners. Divide batter evenly among the 12 muffin tins.


5. Add a teaspoon of Nutella to the top of each muffin and gently cut Nutella into batter with a knife or toothpick to produce pretty swirls.


6. Bake in a preheated oven at 170 degrees Celcius for 17-20 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean.

6。放入预热烤箱以 170 摄氏度上下火烤17-20 分钟或直到竹签插入蛋糕,取出没有沾粘即可。

Do give this recipe a try. If you like it, share the recipe using the social media buttons below. You may also like to subscribe to Baking Taitai's free newsletter so that you will never miss a new recipe post. You’ll get an e-mail in your inbox each time a new post is published. You can also find Baking Taitai on Pinterest , Facebook, Instagram and Youtube for the latest updates.

This post is linked to Little Thumbs Up Event : August - Brown Sugar and Molasses organized by Zoe from Bake for Happy Kids and Doreen from my little favourite DIY and hosted by Jess from Bakericious.

Thanks for dropping by. See you again! 


The cooking temperature as suggested in all my recipes serve as a guideline. Every oven has different thermostat, you may have to adjust the temperature and timing to suit your oven. Different brand of ingredients have different composites, thus there may be a slight difference in the end result.  食谱里的烘烤温度和时间只是供参考,每一架烤炉的恒温器都不同,请自己调适。不同品牌的材料有不同的复合材料,所以最终成品有可能稍有不同。

“It takes time and effort to compose or translate recipes, I would appreciate it if you do not copy and pass it off as your own recipe. If you wish to share or adapt any of the recipes that I have posted in this blog, please provide a link back to the relevant post here. Thank you.”

© Copyright 2015 bakingtaitai.blogspot.sg


I'M JJ said...


Vanessa said...

Hello Cheryl, do I need to sift the flour?

Baking Taitai said...

Hi Vanessa, sifting of flour is not mentioned in this recipe, so you don't have to. If sifting is required, it will be stated and you will always see a photo of my hand sifting the flour too. ;)

Zoe said...

Hi Cheryl,

These nutella banana oat muffins look so awesome! Nutella + Banana is also my fav food too :D


Vanessa said...

Got it, thank you Cheryl! :-)



Baking Taitai said...

你好,我不曉得馬來西亞哪兒有賣無鋁的髮粉。我是在新加坡的奮發(phoon huat)買的。

Bakericious said...

Nutella is my favorite! during confinement month, I can finished the giant tub in a few days hahaha

shirley said...

Hi can i opt out the brown sugar and add one more banana?thks

Baking Taitai said...

Hi Shirley, I would not suggest that as sugar plays an important part in baking chemistry, omitting it will definitely affect the texture and moistness of the baked products.

shirley said...

ok noted thks. btw plain flour it is the same as all purpose flour/

Marie said...

Hi Cheryl, can use instant oats?

Baking Taitai said...

Hi Hwee Yong, I've not tried with instant oats thus can't advise you how it will turn out. You can experiment and see if it works for you.