Friday, 24 October 2014

Pumpkin Hokkaido Chiffon Cupcake 南瓜北海道戚风杯子蛋糕(中英食谱视频教程)

I am sure the Hokkaido chiffon cupcakes are not unfamiliar with many. My first attempt of these light cotton small chiffon cakes with a cream centre was a couple of years ago. I remembered making them for a family gathering and it was well received. This is my second attempt and I am making them in pumpkin flavour. This is made specially for my little boy who has just passed his ABRSM Grade 2 violin exam with a Merit result. You know, the night before the exam, he was so fearful and cried as it was his first violin exam. I took almost an hour to calm him down and assured him that everything would be fine. Moreover, mummy here would be accompanying him into the examination room to play the piano accompaniments for the three tested pieces. Thank God that he did not back out of the violin exam the next day and we played a good duet for the examiner. Well done boy!  

Source from Internet 来自网络

Check out this step by step video tutorial to learn how to make these healthy Pumpkin Hokkaido Chiffon Cupcakes. For mobile users, click here to watch it on youtube. 
请看视频教程如何做出这健康又简易的免烤南瓜豆腐芝士蛋糕瓶。 点击‘这’或以下观看。

Pumpkin Hokkaido Chiffon Cupcake (cooked dough method)
南瓜北海道戚风杯子蛋糕 (烫面法)
(Chinese recipe adapted from Irene's blog.)

Ingredients: (makes 11 cupcakes)
100g pumpkin puree*
50g fresh milk 
45g corn oil
* To make pumpkin puree, peel skin of pumpkin, remove seeds and cut into smaller pieces, steam for about 25 mins, mashed with a fork. 

95g cake flour, sifted

4 egg yolks (I used eggs weighing 55g)

4 egg white (I used eggs weighing 55g)
45g caster sugar

Pumpkin filling
100g non-dairy whipping cream (you can replaced with dairy whipping cream and add some sugar)
65g pumpkin puree 

100克 南瓜泥* 
50克 鲜牛奶 
45克 玉米油 





45克 幼糖

 金瓜奶油馅 : 
100g 植物性奶油 (可以用动物性奶油代替不过需要加一些糖)
65g 金瓜泥

Method 做法
1. Cook the (A) ingredients over a stove. Remove from fire when heated up (need not boil). Sift the flour in, whisk to mix well. Then add in the egg yolks and whisk till well combined. Set aside. (I used the Tovolo Batter tool to whisk the ingredients) 
1。 将A煮至热(有点小泡泡),离火。 把低筋面粉筛入拌匀,然后再加入蛋黄拌均匀,放一边待用。

2.  In other bowl, beat the egg whites till foamy stage and add the sugar in 3 additions and continue to beat till stiff peak. 

3. F
old the egg white into the egg yolk batter 1/3 at a time until everything is well combined . 

4. Scoop the batter into the cupcake mould to 80% full. 

5. Bake in a preheated oven 110 for about 10 minutes, increase temperature to 125℃ and bake for 15 minutes before increasing temperature to 150℃ and bake for 8~10 minutes. (please adjust baking time according to your own oven.) 
5。烤箱预热至110℃,烘15分钟,调高到125℃,烘15分中,最后调高到150℃,再烘8~10分中, 烘烤至金黄色即可。(烤箱因人而异,请自己调整时间和温度。)

6. Remove from the oven, transfer from the baking tray to cool on a wiring rack.

7. Whip the non dairy whipping cream and pumpkin puree together. Put in a piping bag fitted with a big nozzle and chill in the refrigerator for an hour before piping the fillings into the cupcakes. Chill in the fridge for a few hours before serving. 
7。植物性奶油加入金瓜泥一起打发,装入挤花袋,收进冰箱,一个小时后再挤花 。再放进冰箱冷藏几小时就可以享用了。 

Personal Note 小丁咛:
1. It is normal for the chiffon cake's surface to crack and it will shrink a little after being removed from the oven.

2. You can prepare the pumpkin fillings in advance and store in the fridge. 


 This post is linked to the event Little Thumbs Up (Oct 2014 Event: PUMPKIN) organised by
 and hosted by Eileen (Eileen's Diary).

 & co-hosted by Charmaine of Mimi Bakery House

Baking Taitai is the official endorsement for Tovolo Singapore, 

“It takes time and effort to compose or translate recipes, I would appreciate it if you do not copy and pass it off as your own recipe. If you wish to share or adapt any of the recipes that I have posted in this blog, please provide a link to the relevant post here. Thank you.”

© Copyright 2014

14 comments : said...


Fion said...


Karen Luvswesavory said...

Hi Cheryl, again you made me drool ... and my hands are itchy .... so pretty golden Pumpkin Hokkaido Chiffon Cupcake ^-^!

ann low said...

WOW! I'm drooling too! Never made Hokkaido chiffon cupcake before. Must bookmark this recipe!
Thank you for sharing, Cheryl :)

irene myme said...

也感谢你的链接哦~ ^o^

Miss B @ Everybody Eats Well in Flanders said...

Both you and your son are so talented! I have tried a lot of hokkaido breads but I haven't tried hokkaido cupcakes before, so your video and detailed instructions will come in handy! Thanks for sharing :)

MiMi Bakery House said...

These Pumpkin Hokkaido Cupcakes are so pretty Cheryl :D
These days the weather seemed to be too hot to bake anything...

Kimmy said...

Nice natural colour cupcakes. Very special with pumpkin in Hokkaido Cupcakes.

Unknown said...

Hi Cheryl, can u advise me on which brand to get for digital kitchen scale and where can I get it in Singapore. Thks

Bakericious said...

Cheryl, these cupcakes are so pretty!

Junho said...

Can you let me know what kind of non-dairy whipping cream you use.

Baking Taitai said...

Hi Amanda, I am using a Brandt kitchen scale but it is not available in Singapore. As long as the digital scale can weigh up to a precision of 1g, it should be fine. It will be a bonus if it has the function of measuring in ml other than grams. You should be able to find it in baking supplier shops like Phoon Huat, Totts etc.

Baking Taitai said...

Hi Junho, I am using Redman Topping cream.

mui mui said...

Hi Cheryl,
These are lovely PHCC.
They must be so yummy!