Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Camouflage Breadmaker Loaf 迷彩面包机吐司 (中英加图对照食谱)

Bake this soft and fluffy all natural camouflage loaf to cheer my little one up as he has been suffering from frequent nose bleeding due to block nose caused by the haze. Wishing the haze to go away soon as I miss the sun, blue sky and fresh air!!! 

Camouflage Breadmaker Loaf
(中文食谱改之“包吃包玩麵包機”, english recipe translated by bakingtaitai) 

1)White bread dough
300g bread flour (I used Blue Jacket bread flour
150g fresh milk
1 egg (I used 65g egg)
25g sugar (I used demerara sugar) 
15g unsalted butter
1 tsp salt
3g yeast

食材 :
1) 白面团
300克 高筋面粉  (我用水手牌特级强力粉
150 鲜牛奶
1 颗 鸡蛋 (我用一颗重量65克的蛋)
25克 砂糖 (我用德梅拉拉糖)
15克 奶油
1小勺 盐巴
3克 酵母粉

Method 做法:
1. Place all ingredients into the breadmaker pan based on the sequence as seen in the photo below . (Note: salt is placed at the side. Make an indention at the centre of the flour and add instant yeast, make sure it does not touch the wet ingredients below.)

2. Select pasta program. (Kenwood BM250 - select program '9' , this cycle takes 14 minutes to complete.) Add the butter in during half way of the kneading progromme.  
2。选择面食面团程序 (Kenwood BM250 - 选择程序 '9' ,这个过程只需14分钟就完成)。程序的中段加入奶油。 

3. When dough is done, divide it into 3 portions, one portion's weight is about 182 grams. 1/3 being the plain dough, (the rest for making cocoa and matcha dough), shape it round, cling wrapped it and put into the fridge, 
3。揉面好了, 取出面团分成3份,一份大约182克。1/3 作为白面团,(其余分别为可可和绿面团) ,整圆后用保鲜膜包住放入冰箱冷藏。  

Ingredients 食材:
2)Cocoa bread dough 可可面团
1/3 white dough 白面团
12g unsweetened cocoa powder  无糖可可粉
10g water 

3)Matcha bread dough  抹茶面团

1/3 white dough 白面团
8g matcha powder 抹茶粉
5g water 

Method 方法:
1. Add the cocoa powder and water to the plain dough, knead till well mixed and shaped it round. 
1。 白面团加入可可粉和水,揉匀,整成圆形。

2. Add the matcha powder and water to the plain dough, knead till well mixed and shaped it round. 
2。 白面团加入抹茶粉和水,揉匀,整成圆形。

3. Remove the plain dough from the fridge, together with the cocoa and matcha dough, put it into a container, separate by cling wrap. Cover and proof for 40 minutes or until double in size. 
3。 从冰箱取出白面团与可可面团,抹茶面团一起放入一个保鲜盒, 中间以保鲜膜分隔。盖好让三色面团同时发酵40分钟或直到膨胀两倍。

4. Divide each colour dough into 5 equal portions. Roll it round and rest for 10 minutes. 

5. Flatten the dough with a rolling pin, stack the dough in the bread pan as you wish. 

6. After finished stacking, cover the bread pan with a wet cloth and proof for 60~90 minutes. 
6. 叠完后,面包盆盖上湿布,发酵60~90分钟。

7. Select the bake function to bake the bread. 

Do give this recipe a try. If you like it, share the recipe using the social media buttons below. You may also like to subscribe to Baking Taitai's free newsletter so that you will never miss a new recipe post. You’ll get an e-mail in your inbox each time a new post is published. You can also find Baking Taitai on Pinterest , Facebook, Instagram and Youtube for the latest updates.

Thanks for dropping by. See you again! 

 The cooking temperature as suggested in all my recipes serve as a guideline. Every oven has different thermostat, you may have to adjust the temperature and timing to suit your oven. Different brand of ingredients have different composites, thus there may be a slight difference in the end result.  食谱里的烘烤温度和时间只是供参考,每一架烤炉的恒温器都不同,请自己调适。不同品牌的材料有不同的复合材料,所以最终成品有可能稍有不同。

“It takes time and effort to compose or translate recipes, I would appreciate it if you do not copy and pass it off as your own recipe. If you wish to share or adapt any of the recipes that I have posted in this blog, please provide a link back to the relevant post here. Thank you.”

© Copyright 2015 bakingtaitai.blogspot.sg


Wallpaperview said...

Still i haven't seen in my life like this camouflage bread loaf. Looks like this loaf is going to be perfect to make my breakfast. Oh yea thanks for this one besides all yummy recipes.

Unknown said...

Hi, if using normal oven, what temperature to set and how long to bake? Thanks in advance for your advice.

Baking Taitai said...

Hi Karen, if using loaf pan bake at 170~180 degrees Celsius for about 40 minutes and if using pullman tin bake at 200~220 degrees Celsius for about 40 minutes. Temperature and timing are just suggestions, you will still have to adjust according to your own oven as every oven has different thermostat. Hope this helps.

Unknown said...

I follow the exact portions. I notice my plain color dough is very sticky and hard for me to roll into individual round portions to even rest. All stuck to my hand. The cocoa dough potions are much easier to make into individual portions. May i ask why? Or how should i make it less sticky so that i can make into smaller individual rounds in an easier way? Thanks for your advise.

Baking Taitai said...

Hi Fenni, even if you follow exactly the same portion as my recipe, there will still be some differences unless you use exactly the same brand of ingredients as I do. Different brands of ingredients have different composites. Eg. I have used the Blue jacket bread flour which has high water absorbency as compared to other brands of bread flour. If you find the plain dough too sticky and difficult to handle, you can floured or oil your hand to handle it.