Thursday 10 September 2015

Watermelon Shaped Pastry Mooncake 西瓜造型月饼 (中英食谱教程)

Watermelon shaped bakes seems to be in the trend this year. You can find watermelon shaped bread, roll cakes and now mooncakes! This idea is from a bakery in Taiwan who hit the news recently with this creation. This is my first time using Ghee and I am surprise to find out that this cultured butter is full of health benefits. I love it as I am one who advocates using all natural, healthy and premium ingredients for baking! 

Source from internet 

Watermelon Shaped Pastry Mooncake 
(中文食谱改篇之‘这里’,english recipe translated by bakingtaitai)

Ingredients: (makes 12) 

A) Water Dough
125g plain flour
15g icing sugar
45g ghee - cultured butter
65g cold water

B) Oil Dough

120g cake flour  (I used Blue Jacket premium cake flour
45g ghee - cultured butter

C) Matcha Water Dough
120g plain flour (I used Blue Jacket premium patent flour)
5g matcha powder (I used Japanese Uji matcha powder) 
10g icing sugar 
45g ghee - cultured butter
65g cold water 

D) Filling
360g mung bean paste (click 'here' for homemade low-sugar mung bean paste recipe) 
1tsp roasted black sesame seeds (I bought ready roasted ones) 

E) Surface Lines
1/4 tsp charcoal powder 
1/4 tsp water 
a section of cotton thread 



125克 中筋面粉 (我用水手牌优质粉心粉
15克 糖粉
45克 无水奶油
65克 冷水


120克 低筋面粉 我用水手牌优质蛋糕粉
45克 无水奶油


120克 中筋面粉 
5克 纯抹茶粉 (我用日本于治抹茶粉)
10克 糖粉
45克 无水奶油
65克 冷水


360克 绿豆蓉 点击‘这’看自制低糖绿豆蓉食谱)
1小勺 烤黑芝麻 (我买已烤好的)


1/4 小勺 竹炭粉
1/4 小勺 水

Method 方法:

1. Add the black sesame seeds to the mung bean paste, wear a food grade, powder free vinyl glove, rub and mix well. Then divide into 12 portions (30g each), shape it round and put it into the freezer. 
   黑芝麻加入绿豆​容​​,戴上无粉,适合食品用的手套,揉拌匀​。再分成12 份​,(每份30克)揉圆​, 放进冰箱冷冻。

2. (Water dough 油皮​面皮​
-   Mix the plain flour and icing sugar well. Add in ghee, rub gently and quickly till like breadcrumbs.  
-  中筋面粉​与糖粉混合均匀​。再​加入​无水​奶油,用手轻轻快速地搓揉成松散的小颗粒状。

-  Add in cold water gradually and mix to form a dough. Cling wrapped and let the dough rest for 40 minutes.  
-  冷水逐渐加入压拌成团,包上保鲜膜,让面团休息40分钟​。

3. (Oil dough) Add ghee to the cake flour, rub gently and quickly till like breadcrumbs. Gather to form a dough, cling wrapped. 
    (油酥) 无水奶油加入低筋面粉,用手指轻又快速地搓成小颗粒状,压拌成团,包上保鲜膜。

4. (Matcha water dough 抹茶油皮面皮) 
-   Mix the plain flour, matcha powder and icing sugar well. Add in ghee, rub gently and quickly till like breadcrumbs. 

-  Add in cold water gradually and mix to form a dough. Cling wrapped and let the dough rest for 40 minutes.  

Dough rest for 40 minutes面团休息40分钟​

5. Divide the water dough into 12 portions (20g each), shape it round and cover with cling wrap. 

6. Divide the oil dough into 12 portions (13g each), shape it round and cover with cling wrap. 

7. Divide the matcha water dough into 12 portions (20g each), shape it round and cover with cling wrap. 

8. Flatten the water dough, roll it out and wrap in an oil dough. Seal, roll it round. Cover with cling wrap and let the wrapped dough rest for 15 minutes.  
   油皮面皮压扁略擀开,包上一个油酥面皮,收口捏紧,在桌上滚圆。盖上保鲜膜让包好的面团, 休息15分钟。

9. Flatten the wrapped dough and roll it flat. Roll up like a swiss roll, seal side facing down, cover with cling wrap and let the dough rest for 15 minutes. 

10. Then roll the dough into a long strip, roll it like a swiss roll again. Seal side facing up, use thumb to press the center down, fold the sides inward and press down. 
    再将面团擀成长条形. 由短向卷起。将面团收口朝上,用大拇指从中间压下。两端往中间折起捏一下,压扁。

11. Roll out dough about 15cm diameter, placed the mung bean filling in the center, wrapped and sealed tightly. 
     将面团擀开成直径约15cm的圆形薄片. 把事先准备好的馅料放在中间,将面团收口朝内捏紧。

12. Roll out the matcha water dough, put the pastry dough on it, slowly wrapped it up, shaped it before placing on a baking tray laid with baking paper/mat. 

13. Add water to the charcoal powder, mix well and dip the center of the cotton thread in it. 

14. Holding the two ends of the cotton thread, place the portion with the stained charcoal water on the dough to create lines. 
    用手拉棉线两端, 将竹炭水的部位横放面团上画线。

15. Put into a preheated oven, bake at 180 degree Celcius top/bottom heat for 30 minutes. 
     放入预热烤箱, 以180摄氏度上下火,烤30分钟。

16. Remove from oven, transfer to cooling rack to cool for a while. Consume warm. Keep in fridge for up to a week, heat up before serving. 

Personal Note 小笔记:
To make red 'watermelons', I added two tablespoons of beet root powder to the homemade low-sugar mung bean paste. 

You may be interested in these recipes: 

Click 'here' for the Watermelon Frozen Roll Cake recipe. 

Click 'here' for the Fish Doll Mooncake recipe. 

Click 'here' for the Baked Chocolate Mooncakes recipe. 

Click 'here' for the Healthy Snowskin Mooncakes recipe. 

Click 'here' for the Baked Custard Mooncakes recipe. 

Click 'here' for the Rainbow Snowkin Mooncakes recipe. 

Click 'here' for the Shanghai Mooncakes recipe. 

Click here for Cheesy Shanghai Mooncakes 

Click here for Healthy Purple Sweet Potato Snowskin Mooncakes 

Click here for Baked Mooncake with Mandarin Peel Red Bean Paste Baked Mooncake 

Do give this recipe a try. If you like it, share the recipe using the social media buttons below. You may also like to subscribe to Baking Taitai's free newsletter so that you will never miss a new recipe post. You’ll get an e-mail in your inbox each time a new post is published. You can also find Baking Taitai on Pinterest , Facebook, Instagram and Youtube for the latest updates.

Thanks for dropping by. See you again! 

 The cooking temperature as suggested in all my recipes serve as a guideline. Every oven has different thermostat, you may have to adjust the temperature and timing to suit your oven. Different brand of ingredients have different composites, thus there may be a slight difference in the end result.  食谱里的烘烤温度和时间只是供参考,每一架烤炉的恒温器都不同,请自己调适。不同品牌的材料有不同的复合材料,所以最终成品有可能稍有不同。

“It takes time and effort to compose or translate recipes, I would appreciate it if you do not copy and pass it off as your own recipe. If you wish to share or adapt any of the recipes that I have posted in this blog, please provide a link back to the relevant post here. Thank you.”

© Copyright 2015


Baking Taitai said...

Hi Alexis, you can get from Yes Natural or SunLik.

Joceline Lor said...

哇!老师,您真的太棒了。好厉害哦。真的难与想象如何让可以变出那么漂亮的酥皮月饼。神啊。。。 太神奇了。