Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Mango Ice- Cream 芒果雪糕 (中英食谱教程)

Weather has been really warm and humid in Singapore and cool treats are definitely a big welcome for all. Here's sharing with you a refreshing, simple 3 ingredients mango ice-cream recipe which is one of my all time favourite. This recipe does not require an ice-cream maker but I used it as it can churn the ice-cream out for me in an hour to consume straight away to beat the heat! ;p


Mango Ice- Cream 
(english recipe adapted from Little Teochew, 中文食谱由Baking Taitai翻译)


4 ripe mangoes, peel and pit
140g icing sugar
380ml heavy whipping cream


4 粒 熟芒果,除籽和皮 
140克 糖粉 
380毫升 淡奶油(我用含有38%脂肪的MILAC淡奶油

Methods 方法: 

1. Use a blender to puree the mangoes. 

2. Add icing sugar and whipping cream to the mango puree and whisk to combine. 

3. Transfer the mixture into a freezer safe container and placed it in the freezer. Remove after 1 hour, stir with a fork and put it back into the freezer to freeze, repeat 4~5 times till desired hardness. (I processed the mixture in an ice-cream maker for 60 minutes and consumed straight away. ) 
3。 倒入冷冻安全的容器,并放置在冰箱里。每隔一小时,拿叉子搅拌。重复4~5次,直到冰淇淋变凝固。这样冰淇淋的口感才会滑顺醇厚。(我用冰淇淋器搅拌60分钟就可享用了。)

I am using the Tovolo Ice-cream scoop which provides the perfect scoop and keeps the counter clean. 

Do give this recipe a try. If you like it, share the recipe using the social media buttons below. You may also like to subscribe to Baking Taitai's free newsletter so that you will never miss a new recipe post. You’ll get an e-mail in your inbox each time a new post is published. You can also find Baking Taitai on Pinterest FacebookInstagram and Youtube for the latest  updates.  

This post is linked to Little Thumbs Up Event : June 2015 Cream organized by Zoe from Bake for Happy Kids and Doreen from my little favourite DIY and hosted by Diana from The Domestic Goddess Wannabe

Thanks for dropping by. See you again! 


Different brand of ingredients have different composites, thus there may be a slight difference in the end result. 不同品牌的材料有不同的复合材料,所以最终成品有可能稍有不同。

“It takes time and effort to compose or translate recipes, I would appreciate it if you do not copy and pass it off as your own recipe. If you wish to share or adapt any of the recipes that I have posted in this blog, please provide a link back to the relevant post here. Thank you.”

© Copyright 2015 bakingtaitai.blogspot.sg


Zoe said...

Hi Cheryl,

We are opposite in Melbourne... It is cold and we can't eat ice cream!!! LOL! ... but I have been publishing ice cream posts that I have done during our last summer and autumn :p

Would you like to link your post with Diana's cream LTU at http://thedomesticgoddesswannabe.com/2015/06/little-thumbs-up-june-2015/? Cheers!


Joceline Lor said...

自己做的雪糕,新鲜又好吃。而且也比较健康哦。like ~

Baking Taitai said...

Hi Zoe, yes I have just done it. June's school holiday has made me so busy that I totally forgot about this! The weather in Singapore is unbearably hot and making cool desserts is in my top list and I will be sharing more ice-cream posts soon. :)

kitchen flavours said...

Yummy ice cream! I would welcome this anytime of the day!
I'm so envious of your cuisinart ice cream machine! :)

Karen Luvswesavory said...

I wanna grab some of your cold yummy mango ice-cream !

mui mui said...

Hi Cheryl,
Your mango ice cream look so tempting!
It looks creamy, bursting with mango flavors and it super cool..lol

DomesticGoddessWannabe said...

This is so delicious looking - I an almost taste the ice cream on my tongue!