Friday 1 August 2014

Guest Blogger Workshop with LGW - Magic Custard Cake & German Butter Cookies (2)

I am pleased to announce my second blogger chef workshop conducting the Magic Custard Cake and German Butter Cookies due to popular demand. 

Date: 16 August 2014 (Saturday)
Time: 2pm - 5.30pm 
Venue: The Baking Loft  
Address: SOHO2@Central, Clarke Quay, Singapore 059819

Click here to sign up for the class at LessonsGoWhere.

Updated on 3 August - Class is fully sold out. If you have missed signing up for the class, you may register your interest here. If there is a demand for the class, we will consider to conduct more in the future.

© Copyright 2014


Karen Luvswesavory said...

Hi Cheryl, congrats again and I see you're very pro Trainer now ^-^.

Kimmy said...

Hi Cheryl, wishing you all success in this event. Thanks for sharing the lovely MCC recipes.

Zoe said...

Well done, Cheryl!

You looks very professional with your chef apron! You must be a great si fu!


Baking Taitai said...

Thanks Karen! I am far from being pro but I do enjoy teaching and sharing. :)

Baking Taitai said...

Hi Kimmy, thank you for your well wishes! :)

Baking Taitai said...

Thanks Zoe for your kind words! I really enjoy teaching and sharing my knowledge be it music or baking. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi I am keen to sign up for the class but it is sold out. Will you be having more classes in future? Thanks

Baking Taitai said...

Hi, (can't address you as you did not leave your name behind)

If there is demand for the class, we will consider to have more classes in future. You may register your interest with LGW at the above link. Thank you.

Amy said...

Can advise when is yr next class

Baking Taitai said...

Hi Amy, the next class date is not firm up yet. Do follow me on my Facebook page for any updates. Thanks.